
This past weekend, I met my mom and two sisters in the windy city for some R&R, shopping, wine, and good food! It was DELIGHTFUL 

Here are several reasons why this trip rocked:

  1. Puttin’ on the Ritz – My mama put us up here. She rocks, there is no doubt about it. Four star hotel, don’t mind if I do!

2. Great food! It’s Chicago, that’s a given right!? A tradition between my mom and my sister Katie is go to to Quartino. A fab-U-lous Italian restaurant with a great atmosphere and homemade pasta.. oh and awesome wines and spirits. We also had breakfast in bed! It was AWESOME! My mom did a great job spoiling all of us girls rotten =) Thanks mommy!


^ My breakfast in bed. Oh and yeah. that is real honeycomb. NO BIG DEAL

3. Shop until you drop. Literally. We shopped, and we shopped hard. I may have spent my annual income in one weekend. It was AWESOME. I got several new dresses, shoes, workout cloths, hair and beauty products, the whole nine yards! Below you will find the first ever Caucasian picture taken within Forever 21.


My sister Pam and I decided it would be fun to try on fancy gowns. this one was obviously a little large on me so it looks like I have a strange alcoholic looking pot belly. but enjoy!


4. It was my sister Pam’s BIRTHDAY her “30th”** it may have not been her 30th =) 

We went to the Pump Room to celebrate and by haphazard chance we were dressed in all black which seemed to be the dress code, as everyone in that entire restaurant was blacked out. The best part of this meal is when Pam SCREAMED in sheer horror when her beastly 6’4 boy friend surprised us all at our table. This is what her boyfriend looks like:


5.Evening at the Spa. Because we are classy, we were able to drink spa infused water and enjoy a luxurious stint in the hotel’s Sauna. It was LUXURIOUS.

So that’s my weekend. How was yours?!